Template promises

Aurelia 2 significantly simplifies the handling of Promises directly within your templates. Unlike previous versions where promise resolution typically occurred in the view model, Aurelia 2 empowers you to manage asynchronous operations directly in the view.

This is accomplished through the promise.bind template controller. It intelligently manages the different states of a Promise: pending, resolved (then), and rejected (catch). This approach reduces boilerplate code and makes asynchronous data handling in templates more declarative and intuitive.

Basic Usage

The promise.bind attribute allows you to bind a Promise to a template, rendering different content based on the Promise's current state.

<div promise.bind="myPromise">
  <template pending>Loading data...</template>
  <template then="data">Data loaded: ${data}</template>
  <template catch="error">Error: ${error.message}</template>

In this example:

  • promise.bind="myPromise": Binds the div to the Promise named myPromise in your view model.

  • <template pending>: Content rendered while myPromise is in the pending state (still resolving).

  • <template then="data">: Content rendered when myPromise resolves successfully. The resolved value is available as data within this template.

  • <template catch="error">: Content rendered if myPromise rejects. The rejection reason (typically an Error object) is available as error.

Simple Example with Different Promise States

Let's illustrate with a view model that manages different promise scenarios:

  <h3>Promise Example 1</h3>
  <div promise.bind="promise1">
    <template pending>Promise 1: Loading...</template>
    <template then="data">Promise 1: Resolved with: ${data}</template>
    <template catch="err">Promise 1: Rejected with error: ${err.message}</template>

  <h3>Promise Example 2 (No data in 'then' state)</h3>
  <div promise.bind="promise2">
    <template pending>Promise 2: Waiting...</template>
    <template then>Promise 2: Successfully Resolved!</template>
    <template catch>Promise 2: An error occurred!</template>

In this example, promise1 is set to resolve after 2 seconds, and promise2 is set to reject after 3 seconds. The template dynamically updates to reflect each promise's state. Notice in promise2's then template, we don't specify a variable, indicating we only care about the resolved state, not the resolved value itself.

Promise Binding with Functions and Parameters

You can directly bind a function call to promise.bind. Aurelia is smart enough to re-invoke the function only when its parameters change, treating function calls in templates as pure operations.

The following example fetches a random advice slip from an API each time a button is clicked:

<let adviceIndex.bind="0"></let>

<div promise.bind="fetchAdvice(adviceIndex)">
  <span pending>Fetching advice...</span>
  <span then="adviceData">
    Advice ID: ${adviceData.slip.id}<br>
    <button click.trigger="adviceIndex = adviceIndex + 1">Get New Advice</button>
  <span catch="fetchError">
    Failed to get advice. Error: ${fetchError}
    <button click.trigger="adviceIndex = adviceIndex + 1">Try Again</button>

Key Points:

  • adviceIndex: This variable, initialized with let adviceIndex.bind="0", acts as a parameter to fetchAdvice. Incrementing adviceIndex via the button click triggers Aurelia to re-evaluate fetchAdvice(adviceIndex).

  • Function Re-execution: Aurelia re-executes fetchAdvice only when adviceIndex changes, ensuring efficient handling of function-based promises.

  • Error Handling: The .catch template gracefully handles fetch errors, providing user-friendly feedback and a "Try Again" button.

Isolated Promise Binding Scope

The promise.bind template controller creates its own isolated scope. This is crucial to prevent naming conflicts and unintended modification of the parent view model or scope.

<div promise.bind="userPromise">
  <template then="userData">
    <user-profile user-data.bind="userData"></user-profile>
    <p>User ID within promise scope: ${userData.id}</p>
    <!-- Accessing parent scope (if needed, though generally discouraged) -->
    <!-- <p>Some parent property: ${$parent.someProperty}</p> -->
  <template catch="userError">
    <error-display error-message.bind="userError.message"></error-display>

In this example:

  • userData and userError: These variables are scoped only within the promise.bind context. They do not pollute the parent view model scope.

  • Component Communication: To pass data to child components (like <user-profile>), use property binding (e.g., user-data.bind="userData").

  • Parent Scope Access (Discouraged): While you can access the parent scope using $parent, it's generally better to manage data flow through explicit bindings and avoid relying on parent scope access for maintainability.

Nested Promise Bindings

Aurelia 2 supports nesting promise.bind controllers to handle scenarios where one asynchronous operation depends on the result of another.

<div promise.bind="initialFetchPromise">
  <template pending>Fetching initial data...</template>
  <template then="initialResponse" promise.bind="initialResponse.json()">
    <template then="jsonData">
      Data received and deserialized: ${jsonData.name}
    <template catch="jsonError">
      Error deserializing JSON: ${jsonError.message}
  <template catch="fetchError">
    Error fetching initial data: ${fetchError.message}

Flow of Execution:

  1. initialFetchPromise: The outer promise.bind starts with initialFetchPromise.

  2. Pending State: While initialFetchPromise is pending, "Fetching initial data..." is displayed.

  3. First then (Response): When initialFetchPromise resolves, the resolved value (initialResponse) becomes available in the then template.

  4. Nested promise.bind (JSON Deserialization): Inside the first then template, a nested promise.bind is used: promise.bind="initialResponse.json()". This starts a new promise based on deserializing the initialResponse.

  5. Nested then (JSON Data): When initialResponse.json() resolves, the parsed JSON data (jsonData) is available in this then template. "Data received and deserialized: ${jsonData.name}" is displayed.

  6. Nested catch (JSON Error): If initialResponse.json() fails (e.g., invalid JSON), the nested catch template handles the error.

  7. Outer catch (Fetch Error): If initialFetchPromise initially rejects, the outer catch template handles the initial fetch error.

Promise Bindings in repeat.for Loops

When using promise.bind within a repeat.for loop, it's crucial to manage scope correctly, especially if you need to access data from each promise iteration. Using let bindings within the <template promise.bind="..."> is highly recommended to create proper scoping for each iteration.

<let promiseItems.bind="[[42, true], ['error-string', false], ['success-string', true]]"></let>
  <template repeat.for="item of promiseItems">
      <template promise.bind="createPromise(item[0], item[1])">
        <let itemData.bind="null"></let> <let itemError.bind="null"></let>
        <span pending>Processing item...</span>
        <span then="itemData">Item processed successfully: ${itemData}</span>
        <span catch="itemError">Item processing failed: ${itemError.message}</span>
export class MyApp {
  promiseItems: any[][]; // Defined in HTML using <let>

  createPromise(value: any, shouldResolve: boolean): Promise<any> {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        if (shouldResolve) {
        } else {
          reject(new Error(`Promise rejected for value: ${value}`));
      }, 1000); // Simulate async processing

Importance of <let> Bindings:

  • Scoped Context: The lines <let itemData.bind="null"></let> and <let itemError.bind="null"></let> inside the promise.bind template are essential. They create itemData and itemError properties in the overriding context of each promise.bind iteration.

  • Preventing Overwriting: Without these let bindings, itemData and itemError would be created in the binding context, which is shared across all iterations of the repeat.for loop. This would lead to data from later iterations overwriting data from earlier ones, resulting in incorrect or unpredictable behavior.

  • Correct Output: With let bindings, each iteration of the repeat.for loop gets its own isolated scope for itemData and itemError, ensuring correct rendering for each promise in the list.

Last updated

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