Value converters (pipes)

Get to know Aurelia's value converters (pipes) and how to use them to transform data in your templates.

Value converters transform data as it flows between your view and view model. They’re ideal for formatting text, dates, currencies, and more. In other frameworks, you might know them as pipes.

Data Flow

Converters work in two directions:

  • toView: Prepares model data for display.

  • fromView: Adjusts view data before updating the model (useful with two-way binding).

Both methods receive the primary value as the first argument, with any extra arguments used as configuration.

Example Methods

// toView: from model to view
toView(value, ...args) { /* transform value for display */ }

// fromView: from view to model
fromView(value, ...args) { /* transform value for the model */ }

Applying Converters in Templates

Use the pipe symbol (|) to attach a converter:

<h1>${someValue | toLowercase}</h1>

A matching converter might be:

export class ToLowercaseValueConverter {
  toView(value) {
    return value.toLowerCase();

Chaining Converters

You can chain multiple converters by separating them with additional pipes:

<h1>${someValue | toLowercase | bold}</h1>

Passing Parameters

Pass parameters using a colon (:). Parameters can be:

  • Static:

    <h1>${someValue | date:'en-UK'}</h1>
  • Bound:

    <h1>${someValue | date:format}</h1>
    export class MyApp {
      format = 'en-US';
  • Object-based:

      <li repeat.for="user of users | sort: { propertyName: 'age', direction: 'descending' }">

In both toView and fromView, the second parameter will be the passed configuration.

Creating Custom Value Converters

A converter is a simple class. Always reference it in camelCase within templates.

A no-op converter example:

export class ThingValueConverter {
  toView(value) {
    return value;

Date Formatter Example

This converter formats dates based on locale:

import { valueConverter } from 'aurelia';

export class FormatDate {
  toView(value: string, locale = 'en-US') {
    const date = new Date(value);
    if (Number.isNaN(date.valueOf())) {
      return 'Invalid Date';
    return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, {
      month: 'long',
      day: 'numeric',
      year: 'numeric',
      timeZone: 'UTC'

Import it in your view:

<import from="./date-value-converter" />

Usage examples:

<p>${'2021-06-22T09:21:26.699Z' | date}</p>
<p>${'2021-06-22T09:21:26.699Z' | date:'en-GB'}</p>

View this in action on StackBlitz.

More Converter Examples

Currency Formatter

Formats numbers as currency strings.

import { valueConverter } from 'aurelia';

export class CurrencyFormatValueConverter {
  toView(value, locale = 'en-US', currency = 'USD') {
    return new Intl.NumberFormat(locale, {
      style: 'currency',
      currency: currency
<p>Total: ${amount | currencyFormat:'en-US':'USD'}</p>

Emoji Converter

Replaces keywords with emojis.

import { valueConverter } from 'aurelia';

export class EmojiConverter {
  private emojiMap = {
    love: "❤️", happy: "😊", sad: "😢",
    angry: "😠", coffee: "☕", star: "⭐",
    cat: "🐱", dog: "🐶", pizza: "🍕"

  toView(value: string) {
    return value.split(/\s+/)
      .map(word => this.emojiMap[word.toLowerCase()] || word)
      .join(' ');
<p>${'I love coffee and pizza' | emoji}</p>

Leet Speak Converter

Transforms text into “1337” speak.

import { valueConverter } from 'aurelia';

export class LeetSpeakConverter {
  toView(value: string) {
    return value
      .replace(/a/gi, '4')
      .replace(/e/gi, '3')
      .replace(/l/gi, '1')
      .replace(/t/gi, '7');
<p>${'Aurelia is elite!' | leetSpeak}</p>

Upside Down Text Converter

Flips text upside down.

import { valueConverter } from 'aurelia';

export class UpsideDownConverter {
  private flipMap = {
    a: 'ɐ', b: 'q', c: 'ɔ', d: 'p', e: 'ǝ',
    f: 'ɟ', g: 'ƃ', h: 'ɥ', i: 'ᴉ', j: 'ɾ',
    k: 'ʞ', l: 'l', m: 'ɯ', n: 'u', o: 'o',
    p: 'd', q: 'b', r: 'ɹ', s: 's', t: 'ʇ',
    u: 'n', v: 'ʌ', w: 'ʍ', x: 'x', y: 'ʎ',
    z: 'z', A: '∀', B: '𐐒', C: 'Ɔ', D: 'ᗡ',
    E: 'Ǝ', F: 'Ⅎ', G: '⅁', H: 'H', I: 'I',
    J: 'ſ', K: 'Ʞ', L: '˥', M: 'W', N: 'N',
    O: 'O', P: 'Ԁ', Q: 'Q', R: 'ᴚ', S: 'S',
    T: '⊥', U: '∩', V: 'Λ', W: 'M', X: 'X',
    Y: '⅄', Z: 'Z', '1': 'Ɩ', '2': 'ᄅ', '3': 'Ɛ',
    '4': 'ㄣ', '5': 'ϛ', '6': '9', '7': 'ㄥ', '8': '8',
    '9': '6', '0': '0', '.': '˙', ',': "'", '?': '¿',
    '!': '¡', '"': '„', "'": ',', '`': ',', '(': ')',
    ')': '(', '[': ']', ']': '[', '{': '}', '}': '{',
    '<': '>', '>': '<', '&': '⅋', '_': '‾'

  toView(value: string) {
    return value.split('')
      .map(char => this.flipMap[char] || char)
<p>${'Hello Aurelia!' | upsideDown}</p>

Ordinal Suffix Converter

Adds ordinal suffixes to numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.).

import { valueConverter } from 'aurelia';

export class OrdinalValueConverter {
  toView(value: number) {
    const suffixes = ['th', 'st', 'nd', 'rd'];
    const v = value % 100;
    return value + (suffixes[(v - 20) % 10] || suffixes[v] || suffixes[0]);
<p>${position | ordinal}</p>

Morse Code Converter

Transforms text into Morse code.

import { valueConverter } from 'aurelia';

export class MorseCodeValueConverter {
  private morseAlphabet = {
    A: ".-",    B: "-...",  C: "-.-.",  D: "-..",
    E: ".",     F: "..-.",  G: "--.",   H: "....",
    I: "..",    J: ".---",  K: "-.-",   L: ".-..",
    M: "--",    N: "-.",    O: "---",   P: ".--.",
    Q: "--.-",  R: ".-.",   S: "...",   T: "-",
    U: "..-",   V: "...-",  W: ".--",   X: "-..-",
    Y: "-.--",  Z: "--..",
    '1': ".----", '2': "..---", '3': "...--", '4': "....-",
    '5': ".....", '6': "-....", '7': "--...", '8': "---..",
    '9': "----.", '0': "-----"

  toView(value: string) {
    return value.toUpperCase()
      .map(char => this.morseAlphabet[char] || char)
      .join(' ');
<p>${message | morse}</p>

These examples highlight the flexibility of Aurelia 2's value converters. Experiment with your own transformations to tailor data exactly as you need it.

Last updated

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