i18n Internationalization


This section explains how to get up and running with Aurelia-I18N to provide localization (l10n), and internationalization (i18n) features for your app.

Under the hood, it uses i18next, a generalized open-source library with an extensive set of features. By building on top of it, not only can you reuse your work across various other platforms and frameworks, but you are able to use an extensive ecosystem full of various packages and plugins.

If you are already familiar with i18next you would know that a key and options used to manipulate the translation are used to produce the final translated output. @aurelia/i18n also uses this concept of a key and an options object. The evaluated keys and the options are passed on to i18next as-is. This means that any resource syntax (interpolation, context, nesting etc.), and options object schema, supported by i18next, are also supported by @aurelia/i18n by default.

Getting Started

Note If you have already used the aurelia-i18n plugin previously and are migrating your existing Aurelia app to Aurelia vNext then jump straight to the migration guide.

Install the plugin.

npm i @aurelia/i18n

Register the plugin in your app.

import { I18nConfiguration } from '@aurelia/i18n';
import Aurelia from 'aurelia';

    I18nConfiguration.customize((options) => {
      options.initOptions = {
        resources: {
          en: { translation: { key: "Hello I18N"} },
          de: { translation: { key: "Hallo I18N"} },

The above example shows how to initialize the i18n plugin and, thereby, i18next with translation resources. There are alternatives ways of doing this, which are discussed later. Once registered, the plugin can be used in your view using the translation attribute t (this is the default translation attribute name, but an alias can be configured), and the translation keys that have been registered.

<span t="key"></span>

In this example, Aurelia will replace the textContent of the span with the string "Hello I18N" at runtime, if the currently active locale is en. If you change the locale to de , for example, the text would have been changed to "Hallo I18N".

Registering the plugin

As explained earlier, the plugin uses i18next under the hood. During registration, the options to initialize i18next can be passed in. There are two ways the plugin can be registered.

Using default options.

  new Aurelia().register(I18nConfiguration)

This initializes the plugin, as well as i18next with default options.

However, often the default settings will not suffice.

Using custom options.

  new Aurelia()
      options.initOptions = {
        resources: {
          en: { translation: { key: "Hello I18N"} },
          de: { translation: { key: "Hallo I18N"} },

The customize function with a callback can be used to customize the initialization of i18next. The options.initOptions can be mutated to modify the initialization of i18next. Every option that can be used in i18next.init can be used here, as well.

Additionally, all i18next plugins can be installed using the options.initOptions.plugins array, as shown below.

  import * as intervalPlural from 'i18next-intervalplural-postprocessor';

  new Aurelia()
     options.initOptions = {
       plugins: [intervalPlural] // depending on your tsconfig this might also be intervalPlural.default

Configuring translation attribute aliases

As mentioned above, Aurelia views access translation resources using the t attribute by default (see the details here).

<element t="key"></element>

Where this creates a conflict (say, for example, if there is an existing custom attribute named t in your app), or if you migrate from another framework which uses an alternate default translation attribute name, an alias of this attribute can be registered as follows.

new Aurelia()
    I18nConfiguration.customize((options) => {
      options.translationAttributeAliases = ['i18n', 'tr'];

The registered aliases can then be used in your view in place of t.

<element i18n="key1"></element>
<element tr="key2"></element>

You can mix and match any alias at the same time.

Managing translation resources

Typically, the translation resources used in i18next are plain JSON. To give you an idea of what they look like, let's take a look at the following sample.

  "key": "value of key",
  "complex": {
    "nested": {
      "resource": {
        "key": "value of nested resource key"

For this example, the key expression key will be evaluated to 'value of key', whereas complex.nested.resource.key will be evaluated to 'value of nested resource key'. Nesting resources in this way can help to group translations for individual sections or components.

In the previous examples, the resources are defined in line. As the application starts to grow, it is likely that the translation resource will too. With that, the inline resources definition becomes tiresome.

A typical practice is to externalize the JSON resources to separate files. Two approaches to how those files can be used in the application are elaborated on in the following sections.

Bundling the resource files

The straightforward approach is to import the JSON resources to the app (depending on your build system) and use those in the customize function. The example below shows how to do that.

import * as de from 'path_to_locales/de/translation.json';
import * as en from 'path_to_locales/en/translation.json';

new Aurelia()
    I18nConfiguration.customize((options) => {
      options.initOptions = {
        resources: {
          en: { translation: en },
          de: { translation: de },

This is a handy strategy for a small app with a trivial amount of translated text. However, if there are multiple languages supported in your app and the amount of translations for each locale is non-trivial, then this might not be optimal. All the translation resources get bundled with the app, even if the user doesn't use all locales. Thus, this approach will unnecessarily increase the bundle size, which may affect your app's startup time.

i18next Backend plugin

Another approach is to asynchronously load the resource file when needed. To this end, i18next Backend plugins can be used. In general, these plugins listen to language changes in i18next, use the registered Backend to fetch the resource files so that keys can be translated for the new locale.

Let's demonstrate this with an example. We'll use the i18next-fetch-backend plugin that makes use of fetch to load resource files.

import Fetch from 'i18next-fetch-backend';

new Aurelia()
    I18nConfiguration.customize((options) => {
      options.initOptions = {
        plugins: [Fetch],
        backend: {
          loadPath: '/locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json',

With this strategy, no translation resources get bundled with the app. Instead i18next instructs the registered Backend to load the translation resource using the loadPath pattern '/locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json' during initialization and whenever the active locale is changed. Note that {{lng}}, and {{ns}} are placeholders for locale names and namespaces, respectively. The default namespace used by i18next is translation (which can, of course, be changed using init options). For example, for locale en, it is expected that the a translation.json is available under /locales/en. Thus, you have to ensure that those translation resources are accessible under the correct path.


This section shows some recipes to make resources available for Backend plugins.

Webpack dev server

Use copy-webpack-plugin to copy the locales src directory to the distribution directory. Then set the devServer.contentBase to the distribution directory.

const path = require('path');
const CopyPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');

module.exports = function() {
  return {
    devServer: {
      contentBase: path.join(__dirname, "dist"),
    plugins: [
      new CopyPlugin({
        patterns: [
          { from: 'src/locales', to: 'locales' } // assumption: src/locales exists

If you are using an earlier version than v6.0.0 of copy-webpack-plugin, use this config.

  const path = require('path');
  const CopyPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');

  module.exports = function() {
    return {
      devServer: {
        contentBase: path.join(__dirname, "dist"),
      plugins: [
        new CopyPlugin([
          { from: 'src/locales', to: 'locales' } // assumption: src/locales exists

Using the plugin

If you are familiar withaurelia-i18n Then you know that besides the translation service, this plugin also provides a formatting service for numbers, dates, and relative time. All these features are also available in @aurelia/i18n which are elaborated on in the following section.

Active locale

The active locale can be get or set by injecting an instance of the I18N, and using getLocale(), and setLocale() methods. The following example shows how to manipulate the active locale.

import { resolve } from 'aurelia';
import { I18N } from '@aurelia/i18n';

export class MyDemoVm {
  constructor(private readonly i18n: I18N = resolve(I18N)) {
    const currentLocale = this.i18n.getLocale();

  public async changeLocale(locale: string) {
    await this.i18n.setLocale(locale);

When the active locale is changed, the I18Nclass publishes the i18n:locale:changed event and dispatches the aurelia-translation-signal signal. The i18n value converters and binding behaviors automatically subscribe to these events and update translations. This event and signal are useful tools if you want to perform your custom locale-sensitive logic when the locale is changed.

Note, Unlike the previous version of Aurelia, in Aurelia 2, all translatable resources (marked by the out-of-the-box attributes, value converters, and binding behaviors) are updated automatically on a change of locale, without the need for any additional component or service.


The translation service provided by this plugin can be used both in view and view-model.

Translation in view

Aurelia uses an attribute pattern to replace the content or attribute values. (The default pattern is t, which can be customized by registering aliases). For this discussion, the default attribute name is assumed.




At a minimum, a translation-key needs to be used as the value for t attribute. A bracket-enclosed and comma-separated list of attributes can precede the key. When specified, the value of those attributes is replaced with the value of the translation key. Moreover, a subsequent attribute list and key pairs can also be used in the same t attribute. The following examples explain this in more detail.

Replace textContent

This is the most common use case and the default behavior.

  "key": "Hello World"
<span t="key"></span>

Given the above translation and the view, Aurelia replaces the textContent of the span with "Hello World". The same result can also be achieved by explicitly using the [text] attribute like <span t="[text]key"></span>.

Note that the key expression can also be constructed in view-model and be bound to t using t.bind syntax.

class MyView {
  i18nKey = "key";
<span t.bind="i18nKey"></span>

Replace [src] of <img>

The aforementioned t="key" syntax behaves a bit differently for img elements. In this case, the src attribute of the img is replaced instead.

  "key": "/path/to/image.jpg"
<img t="key">

The i18n plugin transforms the img element to <img src="/path/to/image.jpg">.

Replace innerHTML

As mentioned above, by default, the plugin will set the textContent property of an element.

  "title": "Title <b>bold</b>"
<span t="title">Title</span>

Therefore, in the above example, the HTML tags will be escaped, and the output will be &lt;b&gt;bold&lt;/b&gt;. The [html] attribute must be added before the translation key to allow HTML markup.

<span t="[html]title">Title</span>

This will set the innerHTML of the element instead of the textContent property, so HTML-markup won't be escaped.

[append] or [prepend] translations

So far, we have seen that the contents are replaced. There are two special attributes, [append], and [prepend] which can be used to append or prepend content to the element's existing content. These also support HTML content.

  "pre": "tic ",
  "post": " toe",
<span t="[prepend]pre;[append]post">tac</span>

The example above produces <span>tic tac toe</span>.

Attribute translation

The plugin can be used to translate HTML-element attributes.

  "title": "some text"
<span t="[title]title"></span>

The example sets the [title] attribute of the span. A useful example would be to use the attribute translation to set the [alt] or [title] attributes of an image. Note that the same key can also be used to target multiple attributes, for example: <img t="[title,alt]key">.

The same syntax of attribute translation also translates @bindable properties of custom elements.

import { bindable, customElement } from '@aurelia/runtime';
import template from './custom-message.html';

@customElement({ name: 'custom-message', template })
export class CustomMessage {
  @bindable public message: string;

Use the custom element as follows.

<custom-message t="[message]bar"></custom-message>

Which produces the following result.


Manipulate translations with the t-params attribute

So far, we have seen a simple key to value mapping. However, i18next supports more complex use cases such as interpolation, context-specific translation, and more. With i18next this is done by initializing the library with the options object. Using @aurelia/i18n, we use the t-params attribute pattern along with t to the same result. The object bound to t-params is passed on to i18next as-is. This means that the options-object schema supported by i18next for any particular operation will work as expected.

Let's see how this works in Aurelia with some basic examples. For further details, check out the i18next docs.


{ "key": "{{what}} is {{how}}" }
<span t="key" t-params.bind="{ what: 'i18next', how: 'great' }"></span>

The above results in <span>i18next is great</span>.

Contextual translation

  "status": "unknown'",
  "status_dispatched": "Your order has been dispatched",
  "status_delivered": "Your order has been delivered",
<span t="status" t-params.bind="{ context: 'dispatched' }"></span>

The above results in <span>Your order has been dispatched</span>.


  "itemWithCount": "{{count}} item",
  "itemWithCount_plural": "{{count}} items"
<span t="itemWithCount" t-params.bind="{ count: 0 }"></span>
<span t="itemWithCount" t-params.bind="{ count: 1 }"></span>
<span t="itemWithCount" t-params.bind="{ count: 10 }"></span>

The above results in the following.

<span>0 items</span>
<span>1 item</span>
<span>10 items</span>

Interval specific translation

Sometimes, simple plural contexts are not enough, and another translation is required based on different intervals. Note that this use case is not supported out of the box by i18next. For this, we need to use i18next-intervalplural-postprocessor plugin and register it with the @aurelia/i18n as shown here. Then define the interval translation resource as follows. (Note that the example uses nesting.)

  "itemWithCount": "{{count}} item",
  "itemWithCount_plural": "{{count}} items",
  "itemWithCount_interval": "(0)$t(itemWithCount_plural);(1)$t(itemWithCount);(2-7)$t(itemWithCount_plural);(7-inf){a lot of items};",
<span t="itemWithCount_interval"  t-params.bind="{postProcess: 'interval', count: 0}"></span>
<span t="itemWithCount_interval"  t-params.bind="{postProcess: 'interval', count: 1}"></span>
<span t="itemWithCount_interval"  t-params.bind="{postProcess: 'interval', count: 2}"></span>
<span t="itemWithCount_interval"  t-params.bind="{postProcess: 'interval', count: 3}"></span>
<span t="itemWithCount_interval"  t-params.bind="{postProcess: 'interval', count: 6}"></span>
<span t="itemWithCount_interval"  t-params.bind="{postProcess: 'interval', count: 7}"></span>
<span t="itemWithCount_interval" t-params.bind="{postProcess: 'interval', count: 10}"></span>

This results in the following.

<span>0 items</span>
<span>1 item</span>
<span>2 items</span>
<span>3 items</span>
<span>6 items</span>
<span>a lot of items</span>
<span>a lot of items</span>

Default value

If the key expression is evaluated to null, or undefined, a default value can be provided as follows.

  t-params.bind="{defaultValue: 'foo-bar'}"

The example above produces <span>foo-bar</span>, given that exprEvaluatedToNullOrUnd evaluates to null, or undefined. In the absence of defaultValue, the result would be <span></span>. You'll notice that the old content of the target element has been cleaned up (no additional empty text node is created).

ValueConverter and BindingBehavior

To do translations in a more declarative way from within your HTML markup, you can use the t ValueConverter and BindingBehavior.

<span> ${'itemWithCount' | t : {count: 10}} </span>
<span> ${'itemWithCount' & t : {count: 10}} </span>

Combined with appropriate translation resources, the correct value will be rendered. Note that the options object that follows t is the same one we discussed earlier. Naturally, this value is optional. As you would expect, both the ValueConverter and BindingBehavior will update translations when the active locale changes.

Translation via code

Translations via code are done by using the method I18N#tr. You can pass in the key as the first parameter, followed by the optional second parameter options.

import { resolve } from 'aurelia';
import { I18N } from '@aurelia/i18n';

export class MyDemoVm {
  private status: string = 'dispatched';

  constructor(private readonly i18n: I18N = resolve(I18N) {
    const statusText = this.i18n.tr('status', { context: this.status });

Handling missing keys

If a key is missing in the translation resources, by default, the key's name will be rendered instead of the value. This is a sensible default as it immediately shows that a translation is missing for certain keys when inspecting the app.

However, this can be overridden by the configuration option, as shown below.

new Aurelia()
    options.initOptions = {
      skipTranslationOnMissingKey: true

Setting skipTranslationOnMissingKey to true instructs the plugin to return empty strings for missing keys.

Formatting numbers

The @aurelia/i18n plugin provides number formatting using Intl API.

Format number in view using ValueConverter and/or BindingBehavior

<span> ${ 123456789.12 | nf } </span>
<span> ${ 123456789.12 & nf : undefined : 'de'} </span>
<span> ${ 123456789.12 | nf: {style:'currency', currency: 'EUR' } : 'de' } </span>
<span> ${ 123456789.12 & nf: {style:'currency', currency: 'USD' }} </span>

The nf ValueConverter and BindingBehavior can format numbers in a declarative way from the view. Both take two optional arguments, apart from the number being formatted, which are options, and locale, respectively. The number is formatted using the default number formatting options and the currently active locale if these are omitted. A specific locale can be passed on to format the number as per that locale. If the input is not a number, then the original value is returned from these as-is.

The formatting options are used to affect how the number is formatted. A prominent use case for that is to format the number as currency. For a full list of options, look here.

Both ValueConverter and BindingBehavior update the formatted value when the active locale is changed.

Format number via code

Formatting numbers via code works by using the method I18N#nf. You can pass in the number as its first parameter, followed by the optional parameters options, and locales.

import { resolve } from 'aurelia';
import { I18N } from '@aurelia/i18n';

export class MyDemoVm {

  constructor(private readonly i18n: I18N = resolve(I18N)) {
    const formatted = this.i18n.nf(123456789.12); // 123,456,789.12 - considering the current locale to be en
    const formattedCurrency = this.i18n.nf(123456789.12, { style: 'currency', currency: 'EUR' }, 'de'); // 123.456.789,12 €

Additionally, if needed, an instance of Intl.NumberFormat can be created using the I18N#createNumberFormat method.

import { resolve } from 'aurelia';
import { I18N } from '@aurelia/i18n';

export class MyDemoVm {

  constructor(private readonly i18n: I18N = resolve(I18N)) {
    const nf = this.i18n.createNumberFormat({ style: 'currency', currency: 'EUR' }, 'de');
    const formatted = nf.format(123456789.12); // 123.456.789,12 €

This can be useful if you want to cache the Intl.NumberFormat instance and reuse that later.

Note The I18N#nf in the previous version of Aurelia matches the I18N#createNumberFormat, whereas I18N#nf provides the formatted number instead.

Un-format number via code

Numeric strings can be converted back to a number using the I18N#uf method. The method takes the numeric string as the first argument, followed by an optional second argument for the locale, as shown in the following example.

import { resolve } from 'aurelia';
import { I18N } from '@aurelia/i18n';

export class MyDemoVm {

  constructor(private readonly i18n: I18N = resolve(I18N)) {
    // all of the strings are converted back to `123456789.12`
    const ufSimple = this.i18n.uf('123,456,789.12');
    const ufLocale = this.i18n.uf('123.456.789,12', 'de');
    const ufCurrency = this.i18n.uf('$ 123,456,789.12');
    const ufText = this.i18n.uf('123,456,789.12 foo bar');

    // sign is respected; thus in this case the converted number is `- 123456789.12`
    const ufMinus = this.i18n.uf('- 123,456,789.12');

Formatting dates

The @aurelia/i18n plugin provides date formatting using Intl API.

Format date in view using ValueConverter and/or BindingBehavior

export class MyDemoVm {
  public date = new Date(2019, 7, 20);
<span> ${ date | df } </span> <!-- 8/20/2019 -->
<span> ${ '2019-08-10T13:42:35.209Z' | df } </span> <!-- 8/20/2019 -->
<span> ${ 0 | df } </span> <!-- 1/1/1970 -->
<span> ${ '0' | df } </span> <!-- 1/1/1970 -->

<span> ${ date & df : {year:'2-digit', month:'2-digit', day:'2-digit'} : 'de' } </span> <!-- 20.08.19 -->

The df ValueConverter and BindingBehavior can format dates in a declarative way from the view. Both take two optional arguments, apart from the date being formatted, which are options, and locale, respectively.

If these are omitted, the date is formatted using the default date formatting options and the currently active locale. A specific locale can be passed on to format the date as per that locale.

The formatting options are used to affect how the date is formatted. For a full list of options, look here.

The value being formatted does not strictly need to be a date object. Apart from Date instance, both the ValueConverter and the BindingBehavior support integer, integer strings, and ISO 8601 date string as input. In case the input cannot be converted reliably to an instance of Date, the original input is returned as-is. Integer strings or an integer input are considered as the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch (for more details, look here).

Note that both ValueConverter and BindingBehavior update the formatted value when the active locale is changed.

Format date via code

Formatting date via code works by using the method I18N#df. You can pass in the date as its first parameter, followed by the optional parameters options, and locales.

import { resolve } from 'aurelia';
import { I18N } from '@aurelia/i18n';

export class MyDemoVm {

  constructor(private readonly i18n: I18N = resolve(I18N)) {
    const df1 = this.i18n.df(new Date(2020, 1, 10)); // '2/10/2020'
    const df2 = this.i18n.df(new Date(2020, 1, 10), { month: '2-digit', day: 'numeric', year: 'numeric' }, 'de'); // '10.02.2020'
    const df3 = this.i18n.df(0); // '1/1/1970'

Additionally, if needed an instance of Intl.DateTimeFormat can be created using the I18N#createDateTimeFormat method.

import { resolve } from 'aurelia';
import { I18N } from '@aurelia/i18n';

export class MyDemoVm {

  constructor(private readonly i18n: I18N = resolve(I18N)) {
    const df = this.i18n.createDateTimeFormat({ month: '2-digit', day: 'numeric', year: 'numeric' }, 'de');
    const formatted = df.format(new Date(2020, 1, 10)); // '10.02.2020'

This can be useful if you want to cache the Intl.DateTimeFormat instance and reuse it later.

The I18N#df in the previous version of Aurelia matches the I18N#createDateTimeFormat, whereas I18N#df provides the formatted date instead.

Relative time formatting

The @aurelia/i18n plugin provides relative time formatting using Intl API.

Relative time format in view using ValueConverter and/or BindingBehavior

export class MyDemoVm {
  private readonly date: Date;
  constructor() {
    this.date = new Date();
    this.date.setSeconds(input.getSeconds() - 5);
<span> ${ date | rt } </span>                             <!-- 5 seconds ago -->
<span> ${ date & rt : { style: 'short' } : 'de' } </span> <!-- vor 5 Sek. -->

The rt ValueConverter and BindingBehavior can format dates in a declarative way from the view. Both take two optional arguments, options and locale, respectively. If these are omitted, the date is formatted using the default formatting options and the currently active locale. A specific locale can be passed on to format the date as per that locale.

The formatting options are used to affect how the date is formatted. For a full list of options, look here. The value being formatted must be an instance of Date, otherwise, the original value is returned as-is.

Both ValueConverter and BindingBehavior update the formatted value when the active locale is changed.

Relative time format signal

The formatted value can be updated on demand by dispatching the signal 'aurelia-relativetime-signal'. See the example below.

import { Signals } from '@aurelia/i18n';
import { ISignaler, resolve } from 'aurelia';

export class MyDemoVm {

  constructor(private readonly signaler: ISignaler = resolve(ISignaler)) {}

  public changeRelativeTimeFormat() {
    this.signaler.dispatchSignal(Signals.RT_SIGNAL); // the signal 'aurelia-relativetime-signal' is exposed by Signals.RT_SIGNAL

ValueConverter and BindingBehavior react to this signal and update the view with the formatted value.

Relative time format via code

Formatting relative dates via code work by using the method I18N#rt. You can pass in the date as its first parameter, followed by the optional parameters options, and locales.

import { resolve } from 'aurelia';
import { I18N } from '@aurelia/i18n';

export class MyDemoVm {
  constructor(private readonly i18n: I18N = resolve(I18N)) {
    const date = new Date();
    date.setSeconds(input.getSeconds() + 5);

    const rt1 = this.i18n.rt(date); // 'in 5 seconds'

Additionally, if needed, an instance of Intl.RelativeTimeFormat can be created using the I18N#createRelativeTimeFormat method.

import { resolve } from 'aurelia';
import { I18N } from '@aurelia/i18n';

export class MyDemoVm {

  constructor(private readonly i18n: I18N = resolve(I18N)) {
    const date = new Date();
    date.setSeconds(input.getSeconds() - 5);

    const df = this.i18n.createDateTimeFormat({ style: 'short' }, 'de');
    const formatted = df.format(-5, "second"); // vor 5 Sek.

This can be useful if you want to cache the Intl.RelativeTimeFormat instance and reuse it later.

If you have used relative time formatting with aurelia-i18n plugin, then you have noticed that instead of full-fledged class dedicated for relative time formatting, in @aurelia/i18n plugin it is just a couple of methods in I18N.

A caveat

If the time difference between the target date and now can be expressed as a unit time difference, such as "1 minute" or "1 week", there is a chance that these cases are demoted to a lower time unit, such as "60 seconds", or "7 days".

The reason behind this is the delay between the target date creation time instance ('t') and the time instance when the time difference is being calculated ('now'). If the difference computation is delayed time difference between 't' and 'now' decreases, which causes the time unit demotion. To counter this problem, we use a small value named epsilon (default to 0.01) to compensate for the delay. We found that usage of this correction produces more consistent and predictable results.

You can change the default epsilon value using the options.initOptions.rtEpsilon parameter in the customize function (see this). Note that a smaller value (close to 0) denotes low tolerance to delay and stricter comparison.

Migration Guide & Breaking Changes

This section outlines the breaking changes introduced by @aurelia/i18n as compared to the predecessor aurelia-i18n. Fortunately, there are close to zero breaking changes on how the plugin is used in a view for translation or date and number formatting.

However, there is a small number of breaking changes in the API which will be explained below. We hope this documentation also serves as a migration guide for the well-known use cases.

The version of i18next has changed

aurelia-i18n used i18next@14.x.x, whereas @aurelia/i18n uses i18next@17.x.x. Therefore all/any of the breaking changes from i18next also apply here.

Formatting methods return formatted numbers and strings

The formatting methods such as nf, and df return formatted numbers and date strings in the new version of the plugin. In the previous version of Aurelia, these methods returned an instance of Intl.NumberFormat, and Intl.DateFormat respectively, which would then be used to format the number or date. However, in the new plugin the methods return the formated number or date. In case you required the old methods, those are still available under the names createNumberFormat, and createDateTimeFormat respectively. For more details, see the section on number, and date formatting.

All value converters are now signalable

All ValueConverters in @aurelia/i18n are now signalable as compared to aurelia-i18n, where no i18n value converters were signalable. This means that the associated translation or the formatting will be automatically updated when the active locale is changed.

Breaking changes affecting relative time formatting

Several breaking changes affect relative time formatting. Following is a short list of breaking changes; for full details, see the section on relative time formatting.

Relative time formatting can now be done using the rt method

The relative time formatting can now be done using the rt method in the I18N class, as compared to the full-fledged RelativeTime class in aurelia-i18n. Therefore, instead of RelativeTime#getRelativeTime, you can use I18N#rt. The class RelativeTime no longer exists in the new version.

Translation resources no longer need to be registered for relative time formatting

Registering translation resources for relative time formatting is no longer required, as the new API relies on Intl.RelativeTimeFormat, which uses the locale data provided by the environment.

A minor change to relative time format

There is a minor downside that arises when we dropped support for custom translation resources for relative time. The smallest time unit supported by Intl.RelativeTimeFormat is second. Therefore, any time difference that is shorter than a second is approximated to one second and formatted. Such cases where formatted in aurelia-i18n as a variant of "now", which is no longer possible in the new plugin.

A new time unit "week" has been added

There is a new time unit "week" in Intl.RelativeTimeFormat API which was not present in the RelativeTime class under aurelia-i18n.

Last updated

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