Validation Controller

So far, the functionalities of the @aurelia/validation have been discussed. The part regarding the integration with a view has been kept out of the discussion so far. This section starts addressing that.

The validation controller is the implementation of IValidationController interface. It acts as a bridge between the validator and the other related components, such as view, binding, and subscribers. The capabilities of the validation controller are discussed below.

Injecting a controller instance

An instance of the validation controller can be injected using resolve(newInstanceForScope(IValidationController)), and resolve(IValidationController). The newInstanceForScope(IValidationController) resolver creates a new instance of the validation controller and registers the instance with the dependency injection container. This same instance can later be made available to the child components using resolve(IValidationController).

// parent-ce.ts
import { customElement } from '@aurelia/runtime';
import { newInstanceForScope, resolve } from '@aurelia/kernel';
import { IValidationController } from '@aurelia/validation-html';

@customElement({name:'parent-ce', template:`<child-ce></child-ce>`})
export class ParentCe {
  public constructor(
    // new instance of validation controller; let us name it c1
    private controller: IValidationController = resolve(newInstanceForScope(IValidationController))
  ) { }

// child-ce.ts
import { resolve } from '@aurelia/kernel';
import { IValidationController } from '@aurelia/validation';

export class Parent {
  public constructor(
    // the c1 instance is injected here
    private controller: IValidationController = resolve(IValidationController)
  ) { }

The design decision is made keeping the following frequent use case in mind. The manual/final validation happens in the "root"/"parent" component/custom element. The child components, such as other custom elements, define the necessary validation rules at the custom element level, as well as uses the validate binding behavior to mark the validation targets in the view/markup. This helps show the validation messages near the validation targets. Creating a new instance of the validation controller and registering the instance with the dependency injection container makes the same instance available to the child components level. The instance can then be used for registering the validation targets (see validate binding behavior), which makes it possible to execute all the validation rules defined in the children with a single instance of the controller.

A new instance of validation controller can always be injected using the newInstanceOf(IValidationController) resolver. See this action in the demo below.

validate and reset

The validate method can be used to explicitly/manually perform the validation. The usage examples are as follows.

// validate all registered objects and bindings.
await validationController.validate();

// validate specific instruction
await validationController.validate(new ValidateInstruction(person));
await validationController.validate(new ValidateInstruction(person, 'name'));

This method is in essence similar to the validate method in validator. However, there are some differences. If the method is called with an instruction, the instruction is executed. Otherwise all the registered objects, as well as the registered bindings are validated. After the validation, all the registered subscribers are notified of the change. Refer the visual representation of the workflow to understand it better. To know more about ValidateInstruction refer this.

The reset method on the other hand removes the errors from the validation controller. It also has an optional argument of type ValidateInstruction which when provided instructs the controller to remove errors for specific object, and/or properties. Note that other properties of the instruction object has no effect on resetting the errors.


With the revalidateErrors method, verifying whether the current errors are still there is possible. It does not validate all objects and bindings, as it is done in validate method. It is useful when you don't want to get a new set of errors and rather check on the current status of the existing set of errors.

await validationController.revalidateErrors();

addObject and removeObject

The method addObject registers an object explicitly to the validation controller. The validation controller automatically validates the object every time the validate method is called. This is useful when you can validate some object in your view model that does not have any direct reference to the view.

The object can be unregistered by calling the removeObject method. This also removes the associated errors of the object.

// add object

// remove object

addError and removeError

Use the addError method to manually add an error to the controller. The signature of this method is as follows.

addError(message: string, object: any, propertyName?: string): ValidationResult;

Note that this method returns an instance of ValidationResult which later can be used with removeError to clear the error.

// add error
const result= validationController.addError("Some critical error", person);

// remove error

Note that the errors added by the addError method, never gets revalidated when revalidateErrors is called. If the error needs to be removed, it must be done using removeError method.

addSubscriber and removeSubscriber

The subscribers can be added or removed using addSubscriber and removeSubscriber methods respectively. Whenever the validation controller performs validation or resets errors, the registered subscribers are notified of the change in validation results. To unsubscribe from the validation results notification, the subscriber needs to be removed.

The subscriber interface is rather simple, consisting of only one method.

interface ValidationResultsSubscriber {
  handleValidationEvent(event: ValidationEvent): void;

The notification event data looks loosely like the following.

class ValidationEvent {
  public kind: 'validate' | 'reset';
  public addedResults: ValidationResultTarget[];
  public removedResults: ValidationResultTarget[];

class ValidationResultTarget {
  public result: ValidationResult;
  public targets: Element[];

class ValidationResult<TRule extends BaseValidationRule = BaseValidationRule> {
    public valid: boolean;
    public message: string | undefined;
    public propertyName: string | undefined;
    public object: any;
    public rule: TRule | undefined;
    public propertyRule: PropertyRule | undefined;
    // `true` if the validation result is added manually.
    public isManual: boolean = false;

What the subscribers do with the event data depends on the subscribers. An obvious use case is to present the errors to the end users. In fact, the out-of-the-box subscribers are used for that purpose only. Below is one example of how you can create a custom subscriber.

Last updated

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