
The <au-viewport> element is where all of the routing magic happens, the outlet. It supports a few different custom attributes, allowing you to configure how the router renders your components. It also allows you to use multiple viewports to create different layout configurations with your routing.

Named viewports

The router allows you to add multiple viewports to your application and render components into each viewport element by their name. The <au-viewport> element supports a name attribute, which you'll want to use if you have more than one.

    <au-viewport name="main"></au-viewport>
    <au-viewport name="sidebar"></au-viewport>

In this example, we have the main viewport for our main content, and another viewport called sidebar for our sidebar content which is dynamically rendered. When using viewports, think of them like iframes, independent containers that can maintain their own states.

Specifying a viewport on a route

Routes will load in the default viewport element if there are one or more viewports. However, routes can be told to load into a specific viewport.

import { IRouteableComponent, routes } from '@aurelia/router';

        component: import('./my-component'),
        path: 'my-component',
        title: 'Your Component <3',
        viewport: 'sidebar'
export class MyApp implements IRouteableComponent {

By specifying the viewport property on a route, we can tell it to load into a specific route.

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