Cheat Sheet

Cheat Sheet

A quick reference for different aspects of Aurelia with minimal explanation.




import au from 'aurelia';
import { AppRoot } from './app-root';

  component: AppRoot,
  host: document.querySelector('app-root'),

Script tag (Vanilla JS)

Note: you can copy-paste the markup below into an html file and open it directly in the browser. There is no need for any tooling for this example.


<!DOCTYPE html>

  <script type="module">
    import au, { CustomElement } from '';

    const AppRoot = CustomElement.define({
      name: 'app-root',
      template: '${message}',
    }, class {
      message = 'Hello world!';
    });{ component: AppRoot, host: document.querySelector('app-root') }).start();

Script tag (Vanilla JS - enhance)

Note: you can copy-paste the markup below into an html file and open it directly in the browser. There is no need for any tooling for this example.


<!DOCTYPE html>
  <script type="module">
    import au from '';

    au.enhance({ component: { message: 'Hello world!' }, host: document.body }).start();
    au.enhance({ component: { title: 'Aurelia' }, host: document.head }).start();


Note: the sample below mainly demonstrates stopping an existing instance of Aurelia and starting a new one with a different root and host. Do not consider this a complete example of a proper way to separate a private app root from public view, which is a topic of its own.


import au from 'aurelia';
import { LoginWall } from './login-wall';

  component: LoginWall,
  host: document.querySelector('login-wall'),


import au from 'aurelia';
import { AppRoot } from './app-root';

export class LoginWall {
  constructor(private au: Aurelia) {}

  async login() {

      component: AppRoot,
      host: document.querySelector('app-root'),

Advanced (low-level)

When you need more control over the wireup and/or want to override some of the defaults wrapped by the 'aurelia' package and/or maximize tree-shaking of unused parts of the framework:

import { DI, Registration } from '@aurelia/kernel';
import {





} from '@aurelia/runtime-html';
import { BrowserPlatform } from '@aurelia/platform-browser';
import { AppRoot } from './app-root';

const container = DI.createContainer();
  Registration.instance(IPlatform, BrowserPlatform.getOrCreate(globalThis)),

  // Default framework components

  // Commonly used framework resources (only a small selection)
  DebounceBindingBehaviorRegistration, // &debounce
  OneTimeBindingBehaviorRegistration, // &oneTime
  IfRegistration, // if (if.bind)
  ElseRegistration, // else
  RepeatRegistration, // repeat (repeat.for)

  // Aurelia binding syntax
  RefAttributePatternRegistration, // ref
  DotSeparatedAttributePatternRegistration, // target.command (e.g. value.two-way, if.bind)

  // Commonly used Aurelia binding commands (only a small selection)
  DefaultBindingCommandRegistration, // .bind
  OneTimeBindingCommandRegistration, // .one-time
  FromViewBindingCommandRegistration, // .from-view
  ToViewBindingCommandRegistration, // .to-view
  TwoWayBindingCommandRegistration, // .two-way
  ForBindingCommandRegistration, // .for
  TriggerBindingCommandRegistration, // .trigger

  // Commonly used Aurelia renderers (only a small selection)
  PropertyBindingRenderer, // .bind, .one-time, .to-view, .from-view, .two-way bindings
  IteratorBindingRenderer, // .for bindings
  RefBindingRenderer, // ref bindings
  CustomElementRenderer, // custom element hydration
  TemplateControllerRenderer, // template controller hydration (if, repeat)
  ListenerBindingRenderer, // .trigger, .capture bindings
  TextBindingRenderer, // ${} text bindings

await new Aurelia(container).app({
  component: AppRoot,
  host: document.querySelector('app-root'),

Custom elements

With conventions

import { bindable, IHttpClient, resolve } from 'aurelia';
export class ProductDetailCustomElement {
  static dependencies = [ImageViewerCustomElement, CurrencyValueConverter];
  static containerless = true;
  @bindable product: Product;
  readonly http: IHttpClient = resolve(IHttpClient);

Without conventions

import { customElement, bindable, IHttpClient, resolve } from 'aurelia';
import template from './product-detail.html';
  name: 'product-detail',
  dependencies: [ImageViewerCustomElement, CurrencyValueConverter],
  shadowOptions: { mode: 'open' },
export class ProductDetail {
  @bindable product: Product;
  readonly http: IHttpClient = resolve(IHttpClient);

Vanilla JS

import { CustomElement, IHttpClient } from 'aurelia';
export const ProductDetail = CustomElement.define({
  name: 'product-detail',
  template: '<div>...</div>',
  dependencies: [ImageViewerCustomElement, CurrencyValueConverter],
  shadowOptions: { mode: 'open' },
  bindables: ['product'],
}, class {
  static inject = [IHttpClient];
  constructor(http) { this.http = http; }

Custom attributes

With conventions

import { bindable } from 'aurelia';
export class RippleCustomAttribute {
  @bindable color: string;

Without conventions

import { bindable, customAttribute } from 'aurelia';
export class Ripple {
  @bindable color: string;

Vanilla JS

import { CustomAttribute } from 'aurelia';
export const Ripple = CustomAttribute.define({
  name: 'ripple',
  bindables: ['color'],
}, class {


Template controllers

With conventions

import { IViewFactory, IRenderLocation, ISyntheticView, resolve } from 'aurelia';
export class NoopTemplateController {
  view: ISyntheticView = resolve(IViewFactory)

Without conventions

import { templateController, IViewFactory, IRenderLocation, ISyntheticView, resolve } from 'aurelia';
export class Noop {
  view: ISyntheticView = resolve(IViewFactory)

Vanilla JS

import { CustomAttribute, IViewFactory, IRenderLocation } from 'aurelia';
export const Noop = CustomAttribute.define({
  name: 'noop',
  isTemplateController: true,
}, class {
  static inject = [IViewFactory, IRenderLocation];
  constructor(factory, location) {
    this.view = factory.create().setLocation(location);

Binding behaviors

With conventions

import { ILogger, resolve } from 'aurelia';
export class LogBindingBehavior {
    readonly logger: ILogger = resolve(ILogger),
  ) {}
  bind(...args) {
    this.logger.debug('bind', ...args);
  unbind(...args) {
    this.logger.debug('unbind', ...args);

Without conventions

import { ILogger, bindingBehavior, resolve } from 'aurelia';
export class Log {
    readonly logger: ILogger = resolve(ILogger),
  ) {}
  bind(...args) {
    this.logger.debug('bind', ...args);
  unbind(...args) {
    this.logger.debug('unbind', ...args);

Vanilla JS

import { ILogger, BindingBehavior } from 'aurelia';
export const Log = BindingBehavior.define({
  name: 'log',
}, class {
  static inject = [ILogger];
  constructor(logger) { this.logger = logger; }
  bind(...args) {
    this.logger.debug('bind', ...args);
  unbind(...args) {
    this.logger.debug('unbind', ...args);

Value converters

With conventions

export class JsonValueConverter {
  toView(value) {
    return JSON.stringify(value);

Without conventions

import { valueConverter } from 'aurelia';
export class Json {
  toView(value) {
    return JSON.stringify(value);

Vanilla JS

import { ValueConverter } from 'aurelia';
export const Json = ValueConverter.define({
  name: 'json',
}, class {
  toView(value) {
    return JSON.stringify(value);

Attribute patterns

@attributePattern({ pattern: '[(PART)]', symbols: '[()]' })
export class BananaInBox {
 '[(PART)]'(rawName: string, rawValue: string, parts: string[]): AttrSyntax {
    return new AttrSyntax(rawName, rawValue, parts[0], 'two-way');

Binding commands / instruction renderer

Templating syntax

<!-- Render the 'firstName' and 'lastName' properties interpolated with some static text (reactive) -->
<div>Hello, ${firstName} ${lastName}</div>
<!-- Render the 'bgColor' property as a class name, interpolated with some static text (reactive) -->
<div class="col-md-4 bg-${bgColor}">

<!-- Bind the `someProp` property of the declaring component to the `prop` property of the declared component -->
<my-component prop.bind="someProp">
<!-- prop.bind is shorthand for prop.bind="prop" (when attr value is omitted, the left side of the dot is used as the value) -->
<my-component prop.bind>
<!-- This is another flavor of interpolation but in normal JS syntax, using .bind -->
<div class.bind="`col-md-4 bg-${bgColor}`">
<!-- Conditionally add the 'active' class (the "old-fashioned" way) -->
<li class="isActive ? 'active' : ''">
<!-- Conditionally add the 'active' class (the cleaner way) -->
<li active.class="isActive">
<!-- Bind to the 'style' attribute (the "old-fashioned" way) -->
<li style="background: ${bg}">
<!-- Bind to the 'style' attribute (the cleaner way) -->
<!-- Listen to the 'blur' event using a direct event listener on the element -->
<input blur.trigger="onBlur()">
<!-- Listen to the 'click' event using a delegated event listener (only works with bubbling events) -->
<button click.delegate="onClick()">
<!-- Directly work with the event using the `$event` magic property -->
<form submit.trigger="$event.preventDefault()">
<!-- Set this html element to the 'nameInput' property on the declaring component -->
<input ref="nameInput">
<!-- Set the component instance of this <my-component> custom element
     to the 'myComponentViewModel' property on the declaring component -->
<my-component component.ref="myComponentViewModel">
<!-- Automatic two-way binding to an input (convention, equivalent to value.two-way) -->
<input value.bind="name">
<!-- Manual two-way binding to an input -->
<input"name" change.trigger="handleNameChange($">

<!-- Debounce the notification when input value change for 200ms -->
<input value.bind="name & debounce">
<!-- Debounce the notification when input value change for 500ms -->
<input value.bind="name & debounce:500">
<!-- Throttle the notification when input value change for 200ms -->
<input value.bind="name & throttle">
<!-- Throttle the notification when input value change for 500ms -->
<input value.bind="name & throttle:500">

<!-- Render the 'message' property (non-reactive) -->
<div>${message & oneTime}</div>
<!-- Render the 'message' property (when the 'update' signal is sent manually) -->
<div>${message & signal:'update'}</div>
<!-- Render the 'timestamp' property formatted by the 'formatDate' ValueConverter -->
<div>${timestamp | formatDate}</div>

Built-in custom attributes & template controllers (AKA directives)

<!-- Conditionally render this nav-link (element is not created and will not exist in DOM if false) -->
<nav-link if.bind="isLoggedIn">
<!-- Conditionally display this nav-link (element is only hidden via CSS if false, and will always be created and exist in DOM) -->
<nav-link show.bind="isLoggedIn">
<!-- Conditionally hide this nav-link (element is only hidden via CSS if true, and will always be created and exist in DOM) -->
<nav-link hide.bind="isAnonymous">
<!-- Conditionally render one thing or the other -->
<p if.bind="product.stockQty > 0">${product.stockQty}</p>
<p else>Out of stock!</p>
<!-- Conditionally render one or more out of several things based on a condition -->
<template switch.bind="status">
  <span case="received">Order received.</span>
  <span case="dispatched">On the way.</span>
  <span case="processing">Processing your order.</span>
  <span case="delivered">Delivered.</span>
<!-- Render a list of items -->
<div repeat.for="item of items">${item}</div>
<!-- Render something on a different location in the DOM -->
<modal-dialog portal="app-root">
<!-- TODO: au-slot -->
<!-- TODO: with -->

Lifecycle hooks

Migrating from v1

  • Rename bind to binding

    • If you had timing issues in bind and used the queueMicroTask to add some delay (or used attached for things that really should be in bind), you could try using bound instead (and remove the queueMicroTask). This hook was added to address some edge cases where you need information that's not yet available in bind, such as from-view bindings and refs.

    • If you used CompositionTransaction in the bind hook to await async work, you can remove that and simply return a promise (or use async/await) in binding instead. The promise will be awaited by the framework before rendering the component or binding and of its children.

  • Rename attached to attaching

    • If you had timing issues in attached and used queueMicroTask or even queueTask to add some delay, you can probably remove the queueMicroTask / queueTask and keep your logic in the attached hook. Where attaching is the new "called as soon as this thing is added to the DOM", attached now runs much later than it did in v1 and guarantees that all child components have been attached as well.

  • Rename unbind to unbinding (there is no unbound)

  • Rename detached to detaching (there is no more detached)

    • If you really need to run logic after the component is removed from the DOM, use unbinding instead.

  • If you need the owningView, consider the interface shown below: what was "view" in v1 is now called "controller", and what was called "owningView" in v1 is now called "parentController" (or simply parent in this case). You can inject it via DI using resolve(IController), therefore it's no longer passed-in as an argument to created.

The view model interfaces

You can import and implement these in your components as a type-checking aid, but this is optional.

interface ICustomElementViewModel {
    controller: IDryCustomElementController,
    parentContainer: IContainer,
    definition: CustomElementDefinition): PartialCustomElementDefinition | void
  hydrating(controller: IContextualCustomElementController): void;
  hydrated(controller: ICompiledCustomElementController): void;
  created(controller: ICustomElementController): void;

  binding(initiator: IHydratedController, parent: IHydratedController | null): void | Promise<void>;
  bound(initiator: IHydratedController, parent: IHydratedController | null): void | Promise<void>;
  attaching(initiator: IHydratedController, parent: IHydratedController | null): void | Promise<void>;
  attached(initiator: IHydratedController): void | Promise<void>;

  detaching(initiator: IHydratedController, parent: IHydratedController | null): void | Promise<void>;
  unbinding(initiator: IHydratedController, parent: IHydratedController | null): void | Promise<void>;

  dispose(): void;

  accept(visitor: ControllerVisitor): void | true;

interface ICustomAttributeViewModel {
    flags: LifecycleFlags,
    controller: IHydratableController,
    childController: ICustomAttributeController,
    target: INode,
    instruction: Instruction): void;
  created(controller: ICustomAttributeController): void;

  binding(initiator: IHydratedController, parent: IHydratedController): void | Promise<void>;
  bound(initiator: IHydratedController, parent: IHydratedController): void | Promise<void>;
  attaching(initiator: IHydratedController, parent: IHydratedController): void | Promise<void>;
  attached(initiator: IHydratedController): void | Promise<void>;

  detaching(initiator: IHydratedController, parent: IHydratedController): void | Promise<void>;
  unbinding(initiator: IHydratedController, parent: IHydratedController): void | Promise<void>;

  dispose(): void;

  accept(visitor: ControllerVisitor): void | true;

interface IRouteViewModel extends ICustomElementViewModel {
    params: Params,
    next: RouteNode,
    current: RouteNode | null): boolean | NavigationInstruction | NavigationInstruction[] | Promise<boolean | NavigationInstruction | NavigationInstruction[]>;
    params: Params,
    next: RouteNode,
    current: RouteNode | null): void | Promise<void>;
    next: RouteNode | null,
    current: RouteNode): boolean | Promise<boolean>;
    next: RouteNode | null,
    current: RouteNode): void | Promise<void>;

Dependency Injection

Migrating from v1

Most stuff from v1 will still work as-is, but we do recommend that you consider using DI.createInterface liberally to create injection tokens, both within your app as well as when authoring plugins.

Consumers can use these as either parameter decorators or as direct values to .get(...) / static inject = [...].

The benefit of parameter decorators is that they also work in Vanilla JS with babel and will work natively in browsers (without any tooling) once they implement them.

They are, therefore, generally the more forward-compatible and consumer-friendly option.

Creating an interface

Note: this is a multi-purpose "injection token" that can be used as a plain value (also in VanillaJS) or as a parameter decorator (in TypeScript only)

Strongly-typed with default

Useful when you want the parameter decorator and don't need the interface itself.

export class ApiClient {
  async getProducts(filter) { /* ... */ }
export interface IApiClient extends ApiClient {}
export const IApiClient = DI.createInterface<IApiClient>('IApiClient', x => x.singleton(ApiClient));

No default (more loosely coupled)

export interface IApiClient {
  getProducts(filter): Promise<Product[]>;
export const IApiClient = DI.createInterface<IApiClient>('IApiClient');

// Needs to be explicitly registered with the container when no default is provided
container.register(Registration.singleton(IApiClient, ApiClient));

Injecting an interface

// Note: in the future there will be a convention where the decorator is no longer necessary with interfaces
export class MyComponent {
  private api: IApiClient = resolve(IApiClient);
// Once the convention is in place:
export class MyComponent {
  constructor(private api: IApiClient) {}

Registration types

Creating resolvers explicitly

This is more loosely coupled (keys can be declared independently of their implementations) but results in more boilerplate. More typical for plugins that want to allow effective tree-shaking, and less typical in apps.

These can be provided directly to e.g. au.register(dep1, dep2) as global dependencies (available in all components) or to the static dependencies = [dep1, dep1] of components as local dependencies.

Registration.singleton(key, SomeClass); // Single container-wide instance
Registration.transient(key, SomeClass); // New instance per injection
Registration.callback(key, (container) => /* some factory fn */); // Callback invoked each time
Registration.cachedCallback(key, (container) => /* some factory fn */); // Callback invoked only once and then cached
Registration.aliasTo(originalKey, aliasKey);
Registration.instance(key, someInstance);

Decorating classes

// Registers in the root container
export class SomeClass {}

// Registers in the requesting container
@singleton({ scoped: true })
export class SomeClass {}

export class SomeClass {}

Customizing injection

export class MyLogger {
  // Resolve all dependencies associated with a key (zero to many)
  private sinks: ISink[] = resolve(all(ISink));

export class MyComponent {
  // Resolve a factory function that returns the dependency when called
  private getFoo: () => IFoo = resolve(lazy(IFoo));

  doStuff() {
    const foo = this.getFoo();

export class MyComponent {
  // Explicitly opt-out of DI for one or more parameters (if default parameters must be respected)
  constructor(@ignore private name: string = 'my-component') {}

export class MyComponent {
  // Yield undefined (instead of throwing) if no registration exists
  private foo: IFoo = resolve(optional(IFoo));

export class MyComponent {
  // Explicitly create a new instance, even if the key is already registered as a singleton
  private foo: IFoo = resolve(newInstanceOf(IFoo));

// Extend Window type for custom added properties or e.g. third party libraries like Redux DevTools which do so, yet inject the actual window object
export interface IReduxDevTools extends Window {
  devToolsExtension?: DevToolsExtension;
  __REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__?: DevToolsExtension;

export class MyComponent {
  // Note that the type itself is not responsible for resolving the proper key but the decorator
  private window: IReduxDevTools = resolve(IWindow);

Using lifecycle hooks in a non-blocking fashion but keeping things awaitable

Example that blocks rendering (but is simplest to develop)

export class MyComponent {
  async loading(params) { = await loadData(;

Example that does not block rendering and avoids race conditions (without task queue)

<div if.bind="loadDataPromise">Loading...</div>
<div else>...</div>
export class MyComponent {
  loading(params) {
    this.loadDataPromise = loadData( => { = data;
      this.loadDataPromise = null;
  unload() {
    return this.loadDataPromise;

Example that does not block rendering and avoids race conditions (with task queue)

<div if.bind="loadDataTask">Loading...</div>
<div else>...</div>
export class MyComponent {
  loading(params) {
    this.loadDataTask = PLATFORM.taskQueue.queueTask(async () => { = await loadData(;
      this.loadDataTask = null;
    }, { suspend: true /* Rendering proceeds, but no new tasks are run until this one finishes */ });

Apply the practices above consistently, and you'll reap the benefits:

// Await all pending tasks, sync or async (useful in unit, integration and e2e tests or generally figuring out when the app is "idle")
await Promise.all([

In the future, time-slicing will be enabled via these TaskQueue APIs as well, which will allow you to easily chunk work that's been dispatched via the task queues.

Integration (plugins, shared components, etc)

Migrating from v1

One of the biggest differences compared to Aurelia v1 is the way integrations work.

In v1, you would have a configure function like so:

index.ts (producer)

export function configure(config: FrameworkConfiguration) {
  config.globalResources(['./my-component', './my-component-2']);

Which would then be consumed as either a plugin or a feature like so:

main.ts (consumer)


// or

In v2 the string-based conventions are no longer a thing. We use native ES modules now. And there are no more different APIs for resources, plugins and features. Instead, everything is a dependency that can be registered to a container, its behavior may be altered by specific metadata that's added by framework decorators.

The most literal translation from v1 to v2 of the above, would be as follows:

index.ts (producer)

import { MyComponent } from './my-component';
import { MyComponent2 } from './my-component-2';
export const Producer = {
  register(container: IContainer) {
    container.register(MyComponent, MyComponent2);

main.ts (consumer)



The register method

In Aurelia v2, everything (including the framework itself) is glued together via DI. The concept is largely the same whether you're building a plugin, a shared component or a service class.

The producer (or the exporting side) exposes an object with a register method, and the consumer (the importing side) passes that object into its au.register call (for global registration) or into the dependencies array of a custom element (for local registration).

The DI container calls that register method and passes itself in as the only argument. The producer can then register resources / components / tasks to that container. Internally, things like resources and tasks have special metadata associated with them which allows the framework to discover and consume them at the appropriate times.

Below are some examples of how integrations can be produced and consumed:

1.1 Simple object literal with a register method

index.ts (producer)

export const MyPluginConfiguration = {
  register(container: IContainer) {

main.ts (consumer)


1.2 A function that returns an object literal with a register method (to pass in e.g. plugin options)

index.ts (producer)

function configure(container: IContainer, config: MyPluginConfig) {
  switch (config.storageType) {
    case 'localStorage':
    case 'indexedDB':
export const MyPluginConfiguration = {
  register(container: IContainer) {
    configure(container, MyPluginConfig.DEFAULT);
  customize(config: MyPluginConfig) {
    return {
      register(container: IContainer) {
        configure(container, config);

main.ts (consumer)

// OR
au.register(MyPluginConfiguration.customize({ storageType: 'localStorage' }))

1.3 An interface

index.ts (producer)

export const IStorageClient = DI.createInterface<IStorageClient>('IStorageClient', x => x.singleton(LocalStorageClient));

Interfaces and classes do not need to be registered explicitly. They can immediately be injected. The container will "jit register" them the first time they are requested.

1.4 A class (typically a resource)

index.ts (producer)

@customElement({ name: 'name-tag', template: `<span>\${name}</span>` })
export class NameTag {}

main.ts (consumer)

To register it as a global resource (available in all components)



name-list.ts (consumer)

To register it as a local resource (available only in that specific custom element)

export class NameListCustomElement {
  static dependencies = [NameTag];
// OR
@customElement({ ..., dependencies: [NameTag] })
export class NameListCustomElement {}

1.5 A (module-like) object with any of the above as its properties

resources/index.ts (producer)

export * from './my-button';
export * from './my-input';
export * from './my-nav';

main.ts (consumer)

import * as GlobalResources from './resources';


Last updated

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