Strongly-typed templates

Many users may be familiar with libraries such as FAST Element or lit-html . They want to know how to write strongly-typed templates with Aurelia.

In the following, we will see how to write a template as follows and introduce it to Aurelia.

export const buttonTemplate = html<BootstrapButton>`
    <button class="btn btn-primary btn-${x => x.size} ${x => x.block ? 'btn-block' : ''}" ref="bsButtonTemplate">
        ${(x) => x.getName()}

To do this, we need two simple pieces of functionality so, create a strongly-typed-template file.

type TemplateValue<T> = { [P in keyof T]: T[P] extends Function ? never : P }[keyof T] | ((val: T) => unknown);;

function parse(val: any) {
    const variable = val?.toString();
    const isFunc = variable.indexOf("f") > -1;
    if (!variable) return "";
    const firstParanthesis = variable.indexOf("(") + 1;
    const secondParanthesis = variable.indexOf(")");
    const variableName = variable.substring(firstParanthesis, secondParanthesis) || variable[0];
    const regex = new RegExp(`${variableName}\\.`, "g");
    return variable
            isFunc ? variable.indexOf("return") + 7 : variable.indexOf("=>") + 3
        .replace(regex, "");

export const html = <TSource = any>(
    strings: TemplateStringsArray, // html text
    ...values: TemplateValue<TSource>[] // variables which they are functions.
) => {
    let html = "";
    for (let i = 0, ii = strings.length - 1; i < ii; ++i) {
        const currentString = strings[i];
        const value = values[i];
        html += currentString;
        if (typeof value === "function") {
            const parsed = parse(value);
            html += `\${${parsed}}`;
        html += `\${${value}}`;

    html += strings[strings.length - 1];
    return html;

The idea behind the code is really simple. First, we separate strings and variables parts inside html function.


<button class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" ref="atButtonTemplate">



x => x.size

x => x.block ? 'btn-block' : ''

(x) => x.getName()

Then, for variable parts, we remove the lambda part (VARIABLE => VARIABLE.) by regex via parse function. Finally, an HTML is created according to the acceptable standards for the Aurelia template engine.

The generic parameter in this function is actually your view-model.

import { html } from './strongly-typed-template';

// BootstrapButton is my view-model
export const buttonTemplate = html<BootstrapButton>`
    <button class="btn btn-primary btn-${x => x.size} ${x => x.block ? 'btn-block' : ''}" ref="bsButtonTemplate">
        ${(x) => x.getName()}

Now, we have to introduce this strongly-typed template to Aurelia via template option.

import { buttonTemplate } from "./bs-button-temlate";

@customElement({ name: "bs-button", template: buttonTemplate /* HERE */ })
export class BootstrapButton /* view-model */ {
    @bindable({ mode: BindingMode.toView }) public size: string;
    @bindable({ mode: BindingMode.toView }) public block: boolean;
    getName() {
        return "Primary Button";

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