Dependency injection (DI)

Dependency Injection (DI) is a design pattern that enables classes to receive their dependencies from an external source rather than instantiating them directly. This inversion of control simplifies wiring up your application, promotes loose coupling, and enables advanced patterns such as singleton, transient, and scoped lifetimes. In Aurelia, DI is a core feature that not only manages the creation and resolution of dependencies but also provides powerful strategies—called resolvers—to control how dependencies are delivered.

Table of Contents


Dependency Injection is a design pattern that decouples object creation from business logic. Instead of a class instantiating its own dependencies, those dependencies are provided by an external DI container. This approach:

  • Improves testability: You can inject mocks or stubs for unit testing.

  • Promotes loose coupling: Classes depend on abstractions rather than concrete implementations.

  • Manages lifetimes: The DI container controls the lifetime of objects (singleton, transient, scoped, etc.).

  • Facilitates configuration: Changing implementations or registration strategies is centralized.

In Aurelia 2, the DI container not only instantiates classes but also resolves dependencies based on metadata declared via constructor parameters, static properties, or decorators.

Constructor Injection & Declaring Dependencies

Injecting into Plain Classes

Aurelia supports several approaches for declaring dependencies:

Using a Static Property

Define dependencies by setting a static inject property that lists the dependencies in the same order as the constructor parameters.

import { FileReader, Logger } from 'your-dependencies-path';

export class FileImporter {
  public static readonly inject = [FileReader, Logger];

  constructor(private fileReader: FileReader, private logger: Logger) {
    // Constructor logic here

Warning: The order in the inject array must match the constructor parameters.

Using Decorators

Leverage the @inject decorator for a more declarative style.

import { inject, FileReader, Logger } from 'aurelia';

@inject(FileReader, Logger)
export class FileImporter {
  constructor(private fileReader: FileReader, private logger: Logger) {
    // Constructor logic here

Creating Containers and Registering Services

Creating a DI Container

A typical Aurelia application has a single root-level DI container:

import { DI } from 'aurelia';

const container = DI.createContainer();

Registering Services

Register services with the container using the register API. This associates a key with a value (or class) and controls its lifetime.

import { DI, Registration } from 'aurelia';

const container = DI.createContainer();
  Registration.singleton(ProfileService, ProfileService),
  Registration.instance(fetch, fakeFetch)

Deregistering Services

You can also remove a service from the container when needed:


Resolving Services

Although constructor injection is the norm, you can manually resolve services from the container:

  • Single instance:

    const profileService: ProfileService = container.get(ProfileService);
  • Multiple implementations:

    const panels: Panel[] = container.getAll(Panel);

Using Interfaces & Injection Tokens

Since TypeScript interfaces don’t exist at runtime, use symbols or tokens for injection.

Using Symbols

export const IProfileService = Symbol('IProfileService');
export interface IProfileService { /* ... */ }

Using DI.createInterface()

Create a strongly typed injection token that can also provide a default implementation:

With a Default Implementation

import { DI } from 'aurelia';

export class LoggerService {
  log(message: string) {

// Create an injection token with a default registration as a singleton.
export const ILoggerService = DI.createInterface<ILoggerService>(
  x => x.singleton(LoggerService)

// Export type equal to the class to serve as an interface.
export type ILoggerService = LoggerService;

Without a Default Implementation

import { DI } from 'aurelia';

export class LoggerService {
  log(message: string) {
    // Logging logic

// Export type equal to the class.
export type ILoggerService = LoggerService;

// Create an interface token without a default; register it manually later.
export const ILoggerService = DI.createInterface<ILoggerService>('ILoggerService');

Then register the implementation with the container:

import { Registration } from 'aurelia';

  Registration.singleton(ILoggerService, LoggerService)

Property Injection

For cases like inheritance where constructor injection may not suffice, use property injection via the resolve function:

import { resolve } from 'aurelia';

abstract class FormElementBase {
  form = resolve(Element);
  formController = resolve(FormController);

export class MyInput extends FormElementBase {
  constructor() {
    // Additional setup

You can also use resolve in factory functions:

import { resolve, all } from 'aurelia';

export function useFieldListeners(field) {
  const listeners = resolve(all(IFieldListeners));
  // Further logic

Note: resolve must be used within an active DI container context.


Resolvers in Aurelia 2 provide strategies for how dependencies are resolved. They give you granular control over instance creation and lifetime management.

Built-in Resolvers Summary

The table below summarizes the built-in resolvers available in Aurelia:





Delays creation of a service until it is needed.

@inject(lazy(MyService)) or static inject = [lazy(MyService)]


Injects an array of all instances registered under a particular key.

@inject(all(MyService)) or static inject = [all(MyService)]


Injects the service if available, otherwise undefined.

@inject(optional(MyService)) or static inject = [optional(MyService)]


Provides a function to create instances, offering control over instantiation.

@inject(factory(MyService)) or static inject = [factory(MyService)]


Provides a unique instance within a particular scope (e.g., component or sub-container).



Always creates a fresh instance, regardless of existing registrations.



Injects the most recently registered instance among multiple registrations.


Each resolver can be used with both the @inject decorator and the static inject property. Below are detailed examples for a few of them.


Lazy Resolver

import { lazy, inject } from 'aurelia';

export class MyClass {
  constructor(private getMyService: () => MyService) {
    // Call getMyService() when you need an instance of MyService

All Resolver

import { all, inject } from 'aurelia';

export class MyClass {
  constructor(private services: MyService[]) {
    // services is an array of MyService instances

Optional Resolver

import { optional, inject } from 'aurelia';

export class MyClass {
  constructor(private service?: MyService) {
    // service is MyService or undefined

Factory Resolver

import { factory, inject } from 'aurelia';

export class MyClass {
  constructor(private createMyService: () => MyService) {
    // createMyService is a function to create MyService instances

newInstanceForScope Resolver

import { newInstanceForScope, inject } from 'aurelia';

export class MyClass {
  constructor(private service: MyService) {
    // service is a new scoped instance of MyService

newInstanceOf Resolver

import { newInstanceOf, inject } from 'aurelia';

export class MyClass {
  constructor(private service: MyService) {
    // service is a fresh instance of MyService

Last Resolver

import { last, inject } from 'aurelia';

export class MyClass {
  constructor(private service: MyService) {
    // service is the last registered instance of MyService

Last Resolver Example with Multiple Registrations

import { DI, IContainer, last, Registration } from 'aurelia';

const container = DI.createContainer();
container.register(Registration.instance(MyService, new MyService('instance1')));
container.register(Registration.instance(MyService, new MyService('instance2')));
container.register(Registration.instance(MyService, new MyService('instance3')));

const myClass = container.get(last(MyService));
console.log(myClass.service); // Outputs: instance3

If no instances are registered, the last resolver returns undefined:

const container = DI.createContainer();
const myClass = container.get(last(MyClass));
console.log(myClass.service); // Outputs: undefined

Custom Resolvers

You can create custom resolvers by implementing the IResolver interface to handle complex resolution logic.

import { IResolver, IContainer, inject } from 'aurelia';

class MyCustomResolver<T> implements IResolver {
  $isResolver: true;
  constructor(private key: new (...args: any[]) => T) {}

  resolve(handler: IContainer, requestor: IContainer): T {
    // Custom resolution logic here
    return new this.key();

// Usage with the @inject decorator:
@inject(new MyCustomResolver(MyService))
export class MyClass {
  constructor(private service: MyService) {
    // service is resolved using MyCustomResolver

Creating Injectable Services

Building maintainable applications in Aurelia often involves creating services that encapsulate shared functionality (business logic, data access, etc.). There are several approaches to define injectable services.

Using DI.createInterface() to Create Injectable Services

This method creates an injection token that doubles as a type and, optionally, provides a default implementation.

With a Default Implementation

import { DI } from 'aurelia';

export class LoggerService {
  log(message: string) {

export const ILoggerService = DI.createInterface<ILoggerService>(
  x => x.singleton(LoggerService)

// Export type equal to the class to serve as an interface.
export type ILoggerService = LoggerService;

Without a Default Implementation

import { DI } from 'aurelia';

export class LoggerService {
  log(message: string) {
    // Logging logic

// Export type equal to the class.
export type ILoggerService = LoggerService;

// Create an interface token without a default; register later.
export const ILoggerService = DI.createInterface<ILoggerService>('ILoggerService');

Then register the service with the container:

import { Registration } from 'aurelia';

  Registration.singleton(ILoggerService, LoggerService)

Exporting Classes Directly for Injectable Services

For services that do not require an abstraction, simply export the class.

Simple Class Export

export class AuthService {
  isAuthenticated(): boolean {
    // Authentication logic
    return true;

Register if needed:

import { Registration } from 'aurelia';

  Registration.singleton(AuthService, AuthService)

Decorator-based Registration

Use decorators like @singleton() for auto-registration.

import { singleton } from 'aurelia';

export class AuthService {
  isAuthenticated(): boolean {
    // Authentication logic
    return true;

Exporting a Type Equal to the Class

This approach reduces redundancy by using the class as its own interface.

export class PaymentProcessor {
  processPayment(amount: number) {
    // Payment processing logic

// Export type equal to the class.
export type IPaymentProcessor = PaymentProcessor;

Then use it for injection:

import { resolve } from 'aurelia';

export class CheckoutService {
  private paymentProcessor: IPaymentProcessor = resolve(IPaymentProcessor);
  // Use paymentProcessor

Registration Types & Customizing Injection

Aurelia’s DI system offers various registration types to control how services are instantiated:

Registration Type




One instance per container.

Registration.singleton(MyService, MyService)


A new instance is created every time.

Registration.transient(MyService, MyService)


Registers a pre-created instance.

Registration.instance(MyService, myServiceInstance)

Decorators can also be used to register classes:

export class SomeClass {}

You can further customize injection by using additional decorators and helper functions:

export class MyComponent {
  private sinks: ISink[] = resolve(all(ISink));
  private getFoo: () => IFoo = resolve(lazy(IFoo));
  // Additional injections as needed...

For extending built-in objects, you might define interfaces that augment native types:

export interface IReduxDevTools extends Window {
  devToolsExtension?: DevToolsExtension;

export class MyComponent {
  private window: IReduxDevTools = resolve(IWindow);

Migrating from v1 to v2

Many DI concepts remain consistent between Aurelia 1 and Aurelia 2. However, it is recommended to use DI.createInterface() to create injection tokens for better forward compatibility and improved type safety. When injecting interfaces, you can use decorators or resolve functions directly:

export class MyComponent {
  private api: IApiClient = resolve(IApiClient);

// In future iterations, constructor injection may suffice:
export class MyComponent {
  constructor(private api: IApiClient) {}

By following these guidelines and examples, you can leverage Aurelia 2’s powerful Dependency Injection system to create well-architected, maintainable applications with clear separation of concerns and flexible service management.

Last updated

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