UI virtualization


This plugin is in development, expect unstability.

Install via npm

npm install @aurelia/ui-virtualization

Load the plugin

import { Aurelia } from 'aurelia';
import { DefaultVirtualizationConfiguration } from '@aurelia/ui-virtualization';


Using the plugin

Simply bind an array to virtual-repeat like you would with the standard repeat. The repeated rows are expected to have equal height throughout the list, and one item per row.


  <div virtual-repeat.for="item of items">
    ${$index} ${item}


    <li virtual-repeat.for="item of items">
    ${$index} ${item}


    <tr virtual-repeat.for="item of items">
export class MyVirtualList {
    items = ['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz'];

With a surrounding fixed height container with overflow scroll. Note that overflow: scroll styling is inlined on the elemenet. It can also be applied from CSS. An error will be thrown if no ancestor element with style overflow: scroll is found.


  1. <template/> is not supported as root element of a virtual repeat template. This is due to the difficulty of technique employed: item height needs to be calculatable. With <tempate/>, there is no easy and performant way to acquire this value.

  2. Similar to (1), other template controllers cannot be used in conjunction with virtual-repeat, unlike repeat. I.e: built-in template controllers: with, if, etc... cannot be used with virtual-repeat. This can be workaround'd by nesting other template controllers inside the repeated element, with <template/> element, for example:

  <div virtual-repeat.for="person of persons">
    <template with.bind="person">
  1. Beware of CSS selector :nth-child and similar selectors. Virtualization requires appropriate removing and inserting visible items, based on scroll position. This means DOM elements order will not stay the same, thus creating unexpected :nth-child CSS selector behavior. To work around this, you can use contextual properties $index, $odd, $even etc... to determine an item position, and apply CSS classes/styles against it, like the following example:

  <div virtual-repeat.for="person of persons" class="${$odd ? 'odd' : 'even'}-row">
  1. Similar to (3), virtualization requires appropriate removing and inserting visible items, so not all views will have their lifecycle invoked repeatedly. Rather, their binding contexts will be updated accordingly when the virtual repeat reuses the view and view model. To work around this, you can have your components work in a reactive way, which is natural in an Aurelia application. An example is to handle changes in change handler callback.

Tobe implemented feature list

Last updated

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Revision created

refactor(event): no longer call prevent default by default (#1926) BREAKING CHANGE: no longer calling preventDefault on all events, this can be switched back to v1 behavior via IListenerBindingOptions [skip ci] * BREAKING CHANGE: no longer reexport fetch plugin from aurelia package * fix(router-lite): dont register config * chore: cleanup unused methods, correct typings on test fixture