Aurelia 2 enhances the handling of promises within templates. Unlike Aurelia 1, where promises had to be resolved in the view model before passing their values to templates, Aurelia 2 allows direct interaction with promises in templates. This is achieved through the promise.bind template controller, which supports then, pending, and catch states, reducing the need for boilerplate code.
The promise.bind template controller allows you to use then, pending and catch in your view, removing unnecessary boilerplate.
Basic Example
The promise binding simplifies working with asynchronous data. It allows attributes to bind to various states of a promise: pending, resolved, and rejected.
<div promise.bind="promise1">
<template pending>The promise is not yet settled.</template>
<template then="data">The promise is resolved with ${data}.</template>
<template catch="err">This promise is rejected with ${err.message}.</template>
<div promise.bind="promise2">
<template pending>The promise is not yet settled.</template>
<template then>The promise is resolved.</template>
<template catch>This promise is rejected.</template>
Promise Binding Using Functions
The following example demonstrates a method fetchAdvice bound to the promise.bind attribute. It uses then and catch to handle resolved data and errors.
export class MyApp {
fetchAdvice() {
return fetch(
// This is not directly related to promise template controller.
// This is simply to ensure that the example demonstrates the
// change in data in every browser, without any confusion.
cache: 'no-store'
.then(r => r.ok
? r.json()
: (() => { throw new Error('Unable to fetch NASA APOD data') })
The i variable triggers a method call in the template, as Aurelia considers method calls pure and re-invokes them only if their parameters change.
This example can also be seen in action below.
Promise Bind Scope
The promise template controller operates within its own scope, preventing accidental pollution of the parent scope or view model.
import { valueConverter } from '@aurelia/runtime-html';
class Promisify {
public toView(value: unknown, resolve: boolean = true): Promise<unknown> {
return resolve ? Promise.resolve(value) : Promise.reject(new Error(String(value)));
The above example shows usage involving repeat.for chained with a promisify value converter. Depending on the second boolean value, the value converter converts a simple value to a resolving or rejecting promise. The value converter in itself is not that important for this discussion. It is used to construct a repeat.for, promise combination easily.
The important thing to note here is the usage of let binding that forces the creation of two properties, namely data and err, in the overriding context, which gets higher precedence while binding.
Without these properties in the overriding context, the properties get created in the binding context, which eventually gets overwritten with the second iteration of the repeat. In short, with let binding in place, the output looks as follows.