Value converters in Aurelia 2 are an essential feature that allows you to create custom logic to transform data for display in your views. When it comes to testing value converters, you should aim for a mix of unit and integration tests to ensure that they function correctly both in isolation and when integrated within a view.
Let's start with a simple value converter that transforms a string to uppercase:
This value converter checks if the input is a string and, if so, transforms it to uppercase. If the input is null or undefined, it simply returns the input without modification.
When testing value converters, we will create unit tests to validate the converter logic and integration tests to ensure the converter works as expected within an Aurelia view.
Before writing tests, make sure to set up the test environment as described in the Overview Section.
Create a test file for your value converter, such as to-uppercase.spec.ts
. Here we will write tests for both unit and integration scenarios.
In the unit tests, we instantiate the ToUpper
value converter and directly call its toView
method with different inputs to verify the output. We test with null, a valid string, and a string with numbers to cover various scenarios.
The integration test uses the createFixture
function to test the value converter within an Aurelia view. We define a mock component with a text
property bound to the view and apply the toUpper
value converter. We then assert that the rendered text content is transformed as expected.
Good tests cover a range of scenarios, including expected successes, expected failures, and edge cases. This comprehensive approach ensures your value converter handles all types of inputs gracefully.
This method of testing can be applied to any class-based code in Aurelia 2. While the fixture bootstrap functionality is excellent for testing component output and behavior, it's not always necessary for unit testing pure code logic.
Testing value converters is an essential step in ensuring the reliability and robustness of your Aurelia 2 applications. By writing both unit and integration tests, you can confidently verify that your value converters perform correctly in isolation and within the context of an Aurelia view.